Thoughts on Puzzle 33: Connectivity Test

I agree. I have filled the grid with phrases successfully and do not see any obvious 3 words.

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Got the answer and it will not accept it. Its the obvious answer…smh.

Yeah but see that’s kind of misleading and actually reading these comments made this puzzle harder than it would have been otherwise. Doing the puzzle the “proper” way as described, you DO end up “using” all 24 words/phrases. Having people think 12 of the words are completely useless is a huge misguidance.


Update: Finaly resorted to logging in here on my old computer and took the advice of no spaces and punctuation and it worked with congrats on hacking the galaxy. Not sure why its so strange to get the platform to accept the answer.

Absolutely! This puzzle was easier than originally thought.

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Maybe I missed something, but I definitely solved this in under 10 minutes and only used exactly 12 of the words/phrases.

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Same. Chrome on iPhone didn’t like the answer but laptop worked. Thank you!


I’d love to say more but don’t want to step into Uber-hint territory. All I’ll say, to quote Wittgenstein, is: “You must, so to speak, throw away the ladder after you have climbed up it”.

I have not received a confirmation email either.

There’s more than one route to solving this puzzle. Like with hiking there’s a switchback way which is longer but easier or the straight path which is shorter but steeper

This puzzle was easier than it seemed at first. I solved it in less than 5 minutes :blush:

I’m so stuck! I’ve got 12 phrases in the grid…but can’t see a three word answer!

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So how do I fit a 16-character word into the grid? Can it be outside of the grid? Can somebody drop a hint? :grimacing:

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Look at those words/phrases which are too long to fit anywhere on the grid. Now look at them more closely. If you look closely enough, you’ll find a way to fit them all in perfectly.

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it’s a shame when the students are smarter than the instructors.

If you’ve filled in the grid, go top to bottom, left to right for the correct answer.

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I was finally able to solve it :sweat: . I was over-complicating it for no reason.
Spoiler: THIS IS A REGULAR CROSSWORD, whatever doesn’t fit - doesn’t fit. No need to use these phrases.

EVERYTHING fits if you do it right. The weakness of the puzzle is that the solution can be reached without fitting everything.

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Well… I guess I’m not that creative. Mind sharing your solution after the puzzle ends? (or privately, if you prefer).

Kudos to those who were quick to solve this one, I struggled with it for two days. Now that I figured it out though I have to say the puzzle creators are operating at a genius level. Both fun and challenging.