What is Your Favorite Puzzle?

Which puzzle has been your favorite so far. Why?

Just joined today. So I have only completed the box puzzle and I loved every second of it. Can wait for the next one.


I have two from the previous puzzles, both were kind of similar as both involved images in them. And these puzzles were such that Google searching won’t help much. They are Set 1: Puzzle C (IMAGE DATA) & Set 1: Puzzle E (DATA SETS). I hope you bring more puzzles like these in the future.

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For me it was the first puzzle that I made. It was the arrow maze puzzle. I was up till midnight and started around 22:00 after work. I didnt make it that day cause I was tired. But the next day I finally made it and fell in love with this community.

I really like the very first puzzle, On our way. While not difficult, it still requires you to deduct which letters go where.
Second puzzle I like was Set 1: Puzzle B: Out of sorts. It took me a while to get all the right answers there. I sure do love anagrams.