Introduce Yourself 👋

I’m Julia Pak. I’m building apps with flutter. I’m from Toronto Canada!


Yay! Great to be with you here @juliapak! Also check out this Flutter guide here: Building a Flutter plugin for Rapyd :slight_smile:


admittedly I’m not wholly interested in space travel so I’m taking a different direction with this hackathon, Although I will be a bit tongue and cheek here with my design and will incorporate a space theme!


Hey, @juliapak the cool thing is the Space App use case is just an idea - we have heard from last year’s hackathon that we needed to have a more solid use case - plus it helps to get ideas flowing - but you can make any sort of app you want as long as you use Virtual Accounts and Rapyd Wallet.


I’m very tongue and cheek and will use space as a sorta theme… its “dress for your trip to space” type vybe!


Hi everyone! My name’s Danish and here is my: Introduce Yourself

:world_map: London, UK
:building_construction: An e-commerce clone and would love to use a Rapyd sandbox environment.
:magnet: Help and advice and to help build out this community.
:partying_face: At one point in my life, I used to be a Police Officer :man_police_officer:t2:

More Info: I’m a career changer moving mainly from advertising into software engineering. I’m currently undertaking a Masters in Computer Science, juggling a self-taught curriculum in JS, Node, Python and React and also brushing up heavily on my leetcode abilities so I can land my first job. Also, I’m a massive fan of swag boxes :eyes:

I look forward to using Rapyd and meeting the rest of the community!


Welcome @builtbydans :wave: to the community! Looking forward to getting to know you. All the best, @drew.harris

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Hey guys, I am Sabrina.
After yet another very bad car crash caused by inattentive drivers, I decided to start my life all over again.
In my first life, I was training to become a classical musician, but my injuries prevented me to go back to professional level of playing.
In my second life, I became an MFL teacher (French, German, Chinese for beginner and elementary levels) for a decade, and then an educational YouTuber.
Now I have grown into a developer thanks to multiple Udacity’s scholarship challenges and Nanodegrees, but also courses on Udemy.
I am currently developing more educational content, playing around with algorithms, and working on ML projects.


First of all I want to thank you for the invitation and to say hello to the community.

I’m Semin and as a backend developer, with interest in being cloud native, I’m working for a startup based in Vienna, Austria. Primarily I’m self thought and came from the field of mechanical engineering into the field of software engineering. Since the first day I’ve been looking for a cool community to keep learning and improving with and hopefully working on some interesting projects together.


:world_map: Norway, Oslo
:building_construction: I am working on a C#, .NET project for a Norwegian company
:magnet: I would like to get a new challenge by joining in on the hack challenge, something i have never done before. And me personally love to challenge myself on daily basis!
:partying_face: A fun fact about me must be that i managed to break both my arms in IKEA. Quite the story! :joy:
:link: KongMats (Mats Meek Kongshaug) · GitHub,

I graduated 1 year ago, so still pretty new in the game :+1:
My Bachelor is in Game Programming, so if you want to talk about games, feel free to contact me on the Berlin Conference ! :smile: (fyi: i am quite the game nerd who loves


Hi @MtsMeek,
Welcome to the Rapyd developer community! It is great to learn a bit about you!
Since you love video games, I have to ask, what is your favorite video game?


Hi @Diatherm,
Great to learn a bit about you! Welcome to the Rapyd developer community! As a backend developer, do you mostly use node.js and express?

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I find it really hard to choose a favourite, all of them are good in their own ways. I love Red Dead Redemption 2, just because i go around and look at all the incredible inventions they did with their systems. AI is fantastic in that game! I love most games that amaze me technologically :smiley: What about yourself?


Oh, I also love Red Dead Redemption 2, and the latest Grand Theft Auto (will they ever release a new GTA version?!).
I also love the latest Tekken and the The Last of Us series. Mario Tennis Aces is also one of my favorites, although it can a bit frustrating at times (the times when I lose :smile: ).


On the topic of GTA there is alot of teases recently and a confirmation from Rockstar they are working on it! GTA 6: here's everything we know so far | TechRadar I believe they had to earn enough money from online gta 5 to fund gta 6 :laughing: The Last of Us is far up on my list of story games, the story get to my heart every time! Have never played Tekken :frowning:


Thanks for the GTA 6 article. I am sure it’s going to be an amazing experience to play it (one day… :slight_smile: ).

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Thanks for being here and sharing your story @5mmhook! Inspiring! Glad to be here with you!


I’ve heard of getting lost in IKEA, but you take the cake!


Someone has to be the first :joy: Atleast i got the furniture with me! Sadly had to wait 8 weeks to mount it, it would have been quite the challenge for me to mount it without arms :thinking:


Greetings (temporarily) from Mississippi!

Currently I manage DevOps for an ophthalmology image reading center in LA (remotely) and am actively working to build additional skills in data science and engineering.