Thoughts on Puzzle 30

Thanks will try to do it again lol

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Now my take on this puzzle: I found it easier than others as it didnā€™t rely on knowledge of obscure english words.

Easiest to implement are rules 1 and 5

But the most important clues are 6 and 11. Think about all combinations that result in right number of letters.


I was so sure I had it, but then my sudoku had multiple possible solutions AND none of the letters that came out formed anything close to a wordā€¦
I made a totally wild guess based on a combination of nonsensical answers I got and it happened to be it!!
Iā€™m going to try reverse-solving it tomorrow now that I know some actual guaranteed numbers :sweat_smile:


Can someone who has solved it confirm the clues are all correct? I keep getting to a point where a one clue contradicts another or break the basic rules of suduko!!

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All the clues are correct. I solved it. And none of the rules of sudoku are broken.


According to the schedule, this puzzle closes on 4 Sep. Can anyone tell me exactly when the deadline is please? It would be useful for me to know how long I have left to figure it out, as I have a busy weekend ahead!

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I believe itā€™s midnight GMT


Same here I have read the instructions over and over again and I just donā€™t understand. I started to cry last night haha so I had to put it away. I donā€™t even know where to begin


This is pretty rough, ngl. Iā€™m slightly too dumb (or too lazy) to figure out the givens, all Iā€™ve got is F so far, but Iā€™m stuck with the rest.

Instead, I tried to write a program to print out all the possible combinations of the possible letter combinations for the 9 values, but there are 387,420,489 of them and itā€™s just not feasible to sort through that way QQ

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I also wrote a code to determine all possible letter combinations, if you write it right, I can promise you, you can get a lot less than 387,420,489 (which also happens to be 9^9).

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Yeah, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a way to filter out unreasonable letter combinations (ie, no word starts with ā€œcgā€ but Iā€™m not a good enough coder to do that yet. lol

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Itā€™s a lot easier than that. I spent 2-3 hours by hand the night it came out, no progress at all, woke up the morning of, solved it in less than 5 minutes using code. I believe you can do it!

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Iā€™m going to slowly peel myself out of this chair now. XD

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Iā€™m brute forcing the diagonal with code todayā€¦ Whilst there are 9^9 possible letter combinations, that can be significantly pared down before you even start. I have a list of 9-letter words from the official US Scrabble dictionary, which Iā€™ve also pared down to around 4500 possibles. Stick it in an array and iterate with possible letter combinationsā€¦ Iā€™ll let you know if it works!

EDIT: Much to my surpriseā€¦ it worked! Iā€™ve entered a correct solution. Iā€™ll now try to solve the rest of the puzzle.


I agree with igorgetmeabrain: I limited it to one by solving sudoku and it was very easy then :wink:

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No, you are not dense. You are onto something! Yes, for 3 givens to add to 25, youā€™d have to break Sudoku logic. Look real closely at the givens. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll see it.

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Right, there are ways to satisfy the listed rules while violating Sudoku logic. But there is a solution that fits everything.


Agreed. Putting 6 and 11 together sets up a limited number of cases you need to explore. Then you can just run them down checking for inconsistencies until you find the right one.


Totally agree. On most of the obscure english puzzles I code something to just get the answer, and spend time on crossword helper pages. I guess the only recent exception were the rockets, where almost all english world were common.

For this one I sure could code something, but I had actual fun just solving it manually, with a spreadsheet as a my editor of choice for taking notes.

Yes, it took a lot of iterations, but it was a lot of actual fun.

Same with the sudoku itself, and ir was a pretty classic, with no need for any advanced elimination techniques.

I wish for more puzzles like this, where the weight is on the actual solving, and not on flexing the english dictionary.


YAY great job! Glad you got it!

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