Where can I get list of Rapyd Sandbox Payments Testing Cards

Assuming that my payment_method_types_include are sg_credit_mastcard_card, sg_credit_visa_card.

Please where can I get list of Sandbox testing Card info for master card and visa card above

Their Testing Cardholder name, Card number, cvv, exp. date and other details


Here are Sandbox Testing Card Credentials for Rapyd Master Card, VisaCard and Banks Payments in-case it help someone.

1.)Master Card
Card_Type: MasterCard

Card_Name: Any Name Eg. John Doe

Card_No: 5104 0600 0000 0008

Exp_Date: Any Date in Future Eg: 08 / 23

CVV: Any Number Eg. 123

2.) Visa Card
Card_Type: Visa

Card_Name: Any Name Eg. Fred Cool

Card_No: 4111 1111 1111 1111

Exp_Date: Any Date in Eg. Eg: 08 / 23

CVV: Any Number Eg. 123

Bank Payments
Username: rapyd

Password: success


Are there any available test cards to test errors?
I can see in the docs there are some not working for the checkout/toolkit integration.


Thanks for asking @salvosav. Also thanks for answering @fredjinbility.

Different amounts can work for different Error Simulations.

All Payment Types

Amount Error Response
4000-4009 The gateway is not responding.

Online Payments

Amount Error Response
2000-2009 The sandbox detected a simulated error, where the payment could not be processed because settlement was declined.
2020-2029 Settlement is pending on the gateway.
2080-2089 The processor is unavailable.

Redirect Payments

Amount Error Response
2120-2129 Insufficient funds in the account.
2180-2189 Payment expired.

@salvosav also here’s an article we just posted.

This is what you may be looking for Test Credit and Debit Card Numbers for Every Payment API