Wallet ID provided is already in use by another customer when I have deleted all customers


Playing with postman running through some examples but I think that something has got mixed up.
RUNNING {{base_uri}}/customers?ending_before=&limit=&starting_after=

RESULTS: {“status”:{“error_code”:“”,“status”:“SUCCESS”,“message”:“”,“response_code”:“”,“operation_id”:“d29233b8-3e5f-4fe6-9d1b-f3507bc61356”},“data”:}

When I try to create a customer and payment at the same time
RUNNING: {{base_uri}}/customers


“status”: {
“error_code”: “ERROR_CREATE_CUSTOMER”,
“status”: “ERROR”,
“message”: “The request tried to create or update a customer, but the wallet ID provided is already in use by another customer. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Create a new wallet.”,
“response_code”: “ERROR_CREATE_CUSTOMER”,
“operation_id”: “afe6e13e-1232-4418-87aa-ed240cf1140a”

is there a way to rest my sand box or does someone know what I might have done wrong here and how I can fix it?

1 Like

Thanks @castle, it seems like you already created a customer attached to the wallet you are requesting.

You can quickly create a new wallet with a new reference ID and then link that to the customer.

Create Customer

    "name": "Jane Doe",
    "business_vat_id": "123456666",
    "email": "janedoe6666@rapyd.net",
    "ewallet": "ewallet_d73a904be89168779ff281b7b117ebb7",
    "invoice_prefix": "JD-",
    "metadata": {
        "merchant_defined": true
    "payment_method": {
        "type": "il_visa_card",
        "fields": {
            "number": "4111111111111111",
            "expiration_month": "10",
            "expiration_year": "23",
            "cvv": "123"
    "phone_number": "+14155556666"


    "status": {
        "error_code": "",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "message": "",
        "response_code": "",
        "operation_id": "f0028b49-244b-4d3c-b5cc-7b6dd06f3795"
    "data": {
        "id": "cus_8fe53e1651d82f861989c7fbe5343c7b",
        "delinquent": false,
        "discount": null,
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "default_payment_method": "card_54916b70957d4836bb212823b2d28893",
        "description": "",
        "email": "janedoe6666@rapyd.net",
        "phone_number": "+14155556666",
        "invoice_prefix": "JD-",
        "addresses": [],
        "payment_methods": {
            "data": [
                    "id": "card_54916b70957d4836bb212823b2d28893",
                    "type": "il_visa_card",
                    "category": "card",
                    "metadata": null,
                    "image": "https://iconslib.rapyd.netTEST",
                    "webhook_url": "",
                    "supporting_documentation": "",
                    "next_action": "3d_verification",
                    "name": null,
                    "last4": "1111",
                    "acs_check": "unchecked",
                    "cvv_check": "unchecked",
                    "bin_details": {
                        "type": null,
                        "brand": null,
                        "level": null,
                        "country": null,
                        "bin_number": "411111"
                    "expiration_year": "23",
                    "expiration_month": "10",
                    "fingerprint_token": "ocfp_2a694038316f52122bbbb3ae926cfda9",
                    "redirect_url": "https://sandboxcheckout.rapyd.net/3ds-payment?token=payment_9f29741b78d637072bf3e598ccd1b520"
            "has_more": false,
            "total_count": 1,
            "url": "/v1/customers/cus_8fe53e1651d82f861989c7fbe5343c7b/payment_methods"
        "subscriptions": null,
        "created_at": 1657743035,
        "metadata": {
            "merchant_defined": true
        "business_vat_id": "123456666",
        "ewallet": "ewallet_d73a904be89168779ff281b7b117ebb7"
1 Like

Yes I can think of a few reasons it would not delete the wallet when you delete a customer thanks