How to Issue a Card in Sandbox

Rapyd Issuing allows you to issue bank cards funded by the Rapyd Wallet.

Here’s how to get started with Rapyd Issuing in Sandbox.

  1. Sign up in Client Portal, and go to the Issuing section > Programs.

  2. Copy the selected program to use for the card_program ID.

Here in the screenshot is the "card_program": "Cardprog_e3d0530f4b42f8176f4d4bc34c43454e"

  1. Create a Wallet with a Wallet Contact. Copy the wallet contact ID for the api request to issue a card.

  2. Issue a Card with the card program ID and wallet contact ID. The card will be issued on top of the Rapyd Wallet with the contact.

Issue Card

Request Body Parameters
    "ewallet_contact": "cont_12f04d78f82ab76564c538563d4d2b69",
    "card_program": "Cardprog_e3d0530f4b42f8176f4d4bc34c43454e"
    "status": {
        "error_code": "",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "message": "",
        "response_code": "",
        "operation_id": "e6d5fd47-9b88-4ec2-91f0-0d9532c6b6c8"
    "data": {
        "id": "ci_f2b158115ebabcd11bd86d45a4952d01",
        "ewallet_contact": {
            "id": "cont_12f04d78f82ab76564c538563d4d2b69",
            "first_name": "Samson",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "middle_name": "",
            "second_last_name": "",
            "gender": "not_applicable",
            "marital_status": "not_applicable",
            "house_type": "",
            "contact_type": "personal",
            "phone_number": "+14155551311",
            "email": "",
            "identification_type": "PA",
            "identification_number": "1234567890",
            "issued_card_data": {
                "preferred_name": "",
                "transaction_permissions": "",
                "role_in_company": ""
            "date_of_birth": "2000-11-22",
            "country": "US",
            "nationality": "US",
            "address": {
                "id": "address_44663a931ce056f7cfbf7ce8be382924",
                "name": "Samson Smith",
                "line_1": "123 Main Street",
                "line_2": "",
                "line_3": "",
                "city": "Anytown",
                "state": "NY",
                "country": "US",
                "zip": "12345",
                "phone_number": "+14155551111",
                "metadata": {},
                "canton": "",
                "district": "",
                "created_at": 1655855148
            "ewallet": "ewallet_b58298eebc06e3c519c39c9d14781e97",
            "created_at": 1655855148,
            "metadata": {},
            "business_details": null,
            "compliance_profile": 0,
            "verification_status": "not verified",
            "send_notifications": false,
            "mothers_name": "Jane Smith"
        "status": "INA",
        "card_id": "card_26c7be0f258406aface6cf6a90458f3a",
        "assigned_at": 1661891892,
        "activated_at": 0,
        "metadata": {},
        "country_iso_alpha_2": "MX",
        "created_at": 1661891892,
        "blocked_reason": "none",
        "card_tracking_id": null,
        "card_program": "cardprog_e3d0530f4b42f8176f4d4bc34c43454e",
        "public_details": {
            "bin": "525460",
            "last4": "8934",
            "sub_bin": "02",
            "expiration": "0825"
        "card_number": "5254605028188934",
        "cvv": "179",
        "expiration_month": "08",
        "expiration_year": "25",
        "bin": "525460",
        "sub_bin": "02"

7 posts were split to a new topic: Error with Card Issuing in Sandbox