Hello everyone!
I have a question related Rapyd webhook. I want to verify the signature get from webhook. I am PHP Developer and this is my code:
$access_key = 'access-key'; // get from Dashboard
$secret_key = 'secret-key'; // get from Dashboard
$salt = 'epiAT7douEg/9ezxZzoByA=='; // get from webhook header
$timestamp = 1642058448; // get from webhook header
$signature_from_webhook = 'base-64-value'; // get from webhook header
// Data from payment hook https://docs.rapyd.net/build-with-rapyd/reference/payment-object#webhook-payment-completed
$request = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true); // array value
$body_string = json_encode($body,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
// Calulate signature to verify
$sig_string = $path.$salt.$timestamp.$access_key.$secret_key.$body_string;
$hash_sig_string = hash_hmac("sha256", $sig_string, $secret_key);
$my_signature = base64_encode($hash_sig_string);
// Why $my_signature always different from $signature_from_webhook??
So, my question is why signature i calulated always different from the webhook?
(I think the $path, $salt, $timestamp, $access_key, $secret_key is always right! How about $body_string format)
Thank you for your reading!