trying to use the sample node app does someone have an example of the settings?
trying to use the sample node app does someone have an example of the settings?
Thanks, are you referring to the setting up the request signature?
Or would this be regarding, GitHub - Rapyd-Samples/accept-payments: Explore top payment methods to learn how you can build with Rapyd in a single integration offering customers their preferred local payment features.?
The GIH hub example
I cloned the code and I have added .evn with these variables
When I try to debug using visual code on mac with m1 chip I get this error…
nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting…
Hi @castle, confirming with our solutions engineer, this does happen with NodeJS in general. However, it doesn’t have anything to do with the repo nor the code. Sometimes it may be having 2 instances of node running a the same time.
I usually just kill the node processes in the OS and restart VSCode, but again it wouldn’t have to do with the repo.
Here is a similar answer to a post in Stack Overflow.