Hi Rapyd Community,
We have an embedded Rapyd Collect via Checkout Tookit integration within our application.
When doing some quick production QA, I am having trouble getting card payments to work. In a previous interaction a Rapyd Tem member mentioned it is likely due to the fact that the card would require 3DS. However after some digging I cant seem to figure this one out.
After the user enters the payment card data into the embedded checkout and hits the “Pay with Card” data. I am seeing a 400 error in the network activity of the browser when the Javascript Toolkit SDK sends the card data to the checkout endpoint.
"status": {
"status": "ERROR",
"message": "The request tried to perform an operation that requires a payment method, but the payment method was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use the correct payment method ID or payment method object.",
"response_code": "INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD",
"operation_id": "1263e0d4-f750-4941-968f-5fa0d7bf52b9"
This leaves me with 3 questions:
Is there any known limitations around the 3DS flow with the checkout toolkit integration? We are not doing the hosted checkout page, but the toolkit checkout.
If not, do any code samples exist that would show the correct handling if anything unique is needed to implement 3DS via the checkout toolkit? We already handle redirect URL flows for bank and wallet payments.
Is there anyway to simulate the 3DS via checkout toolkit in the Rapyd sandbox? I have tried the $1001 SGD amount, but it seems to go through successfully with no prompts on our rapyd sandbox test form.
Thanks again for your help.