Can I transfer funds between wallets without Set Transfer response?

When I use my regular bank, when I send fiat to another bank account the owner doesn’t ‘accept’.
Lets assume I have a series of vendors each KYB with a wallet, we are the KYB marketplace. We wish to move fiat from them to us and us to them.

  1. Why does transfer between wallets in Rapys API require “acceptance” by the receiver?
  2. Is there a way to move fiat around in Rapyd without Set Transfer Response?
  3. Can I “Set Transfer Response” programmatically as the marketplace account moving fiat to the vendor, accepting on behalf of the vendor?

Hi, @Fred_Witting it looks like it may be required.

If you want to talk about your specific use case your Sales Engineer should be able to assist. If you aren’t working with anyone then a ticket through Client Support is the best bet. Alternatively, if you can’t open a ticket due to the account still being under review or something, emailing will get you in the queue.

Hope this helps. Will leave this question open, if there is a developer or someone that can chime in, but contacting support is the best bet for you about this request.

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