Become a Rapyd Developer Champion

Rapyd Champions are the voice of the developer community

Led by the Rapyd Developer Relations team, the Rapyd Developer Champion Program invites developers currently building with Rapyd to be part of an exclusive, one-year Developer Champion program that offers special access to our Developer Relations and Product teams and early access to new features and capabilities.

How To Apply

Champions will be evaluated and selected through a submission process, and we ask you to make good-faith acceptance and be recognized within our developer community through specific venues and activities, such as highlighting of work with Rapyd in our developer forum and blog.

Developer Champions Will Be Given Special Access to Our Developer Relations Team, and They’ll Also Have Some Access to:

  • Appreciation. Rest assured you will as our Developer Champion you will get recognized in our developer community as experts on Rapyd products and tools.
  • Rapyd product team access. We expect Developer Champions will have projects that need guidance from Rapyd engineers. In such cases, you can request to have access to and support from our product and product marketing teams.
  • New features and products. Developer Champions can expect early access to Rapyd products and features before they’re generally available, so they can provide direct feedback to our product teams.

What It Takes To Be a Rapyd Developer Champion

Any developer passionate about building on and extending their use of the Rapyd API platform is encouraged to apply to the Rapyd Developer Champion Program. We believe good Developer Champions are:

  • Creative masterminds excited to build projects with the Rapyd community.
  • Open and clear in their intentions with our developer community.
  • Humans who identify unique and informative ways to solve and share industry challenges using the Rapyd API platform.

Developer Champions are Leaders and Innovators

Rapyd Developer champions will be actively involved in the Rapyd community. As a champion, you will need to share your expertise with developers and other Rapyd users by agreeing to one or more of the following activities:

  1. Engage with the developer community to identify new projects and areas of improvement
  2. Serve as an ambassador to identify unique solutions for common questions within the developer community
  3. Author or maintain an accepted, open-source, public project (e.g., a Rapyd Infrastructure integration, a piece of developer tooling, or an application) related to Rapyd
  4. Author and publish at least one piece of content that share knowledge and learnings for the Rapyd Developer Docs.
  5. Deliver or organize at least one conference talk or developer meetup based Rapyd collect platform theme in which the developer community will gain hands-on experience with the Rapyd platform and its capabilities

How are potential Champions recommended for the program?

A colleague can recommend potential Champions – you may also recommend yourself.

How are champions selected?

The Rapyd Developer Relations team will select champions, and we’ll create a custom program for the Developer Champion that aligns with their professional priorities.

How long does the program last?

Being a Developer Champion requires a one-year commitment. Re-appointment as a Developer Champion for an additional year is possible for those who meet their performance metrics.

Apply to become a Developer Champion

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We are always on the lookout for developers to help the community. Rapyd also understands that time is in short supply these days – so we want to ask if you would take part of a special group that our Product and R&D team can work with on special occasions to provide feedback on Rapyd products. Please DM me @drew.harris, email, or you can fill out the Rapyd Champion Form. We would prefer you are domiciled in a region where Rapyd is supported but will look at everyone on a case-by-case basis.