Thanks, @dlupo, it seems you may be missing a few required fields you can gather from Get Payout Required FIields type: us_achnonus_bank
Here is a request and response I got from a Create Payout request. I assume that is what you are trying to do since it includes a sender as well.
"ewallet": "ewallet_3d03be4b6ed60a217fb1faa7c01ae2ca",
"category": "bank",
"payout_amount": 2,
"payout_method_type": "us_achnonus_bank",
"sender_currency": "USD",
"sender_country": "US",
"beneficiary_country": "US",
"payout_currency": "USD",
"sender_entity_type": "company",
"beneficiary_entity_type": "individual",
"beneficiary": {
"first_name": "Dom",
"last_name": "Lup",
"account_number": "123456789",
"aba": "021000021",
"country": "US"
"sender": {
"company_name": "Final Frontier CO",
"identification_type": "company_registered_number",
"identification_value": "0123456789",
"phone_number": "08005555555",
"occupation": "tourism",
"source_of_income": "business",
"address": "17th St",
"city":"San Francisco",
"beneficiary_relationship": "friend",
"description": "Refund from admin dashboard"
"description": "Refund from admin dashboard"
"status": {
"error_code": "",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "",
"response_code": "",
"operation_id": "98db749e-21ae-45e9-bb27-db9ef223795b"
"data": {
"id": "payout_ee3c276a080bdd9d995bd2bf9ad353cb",
"payout_type": "bank",
"payout_method_type": "us_achnonus_bank",
"amount": 2,
"payout_currency": "USD",
"sender_amount": 2,
"sender_currency": "USD",
"status": "Created",
"sender_country": "US",
"sender": {
"id": "sender_6f80bc0e2fa8a39bf1eb8c2e61271099",
"country": "US",
"entity_type": "company",
"address": "17th St",
"name": "Final Frontier CO",
"postcode": "1234",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"phone_number": "08005555555",
"company_name": "Final Frontier CO",
"currency": "USD",
"identification_type": "company_registered_number",
"identification_value": "0123456789",
"beneficiary_relationship": "friend",
"source_of_income": "business",
"occupation": "tourism"
"beneficiary_country": "US",
"beneficiary": {
"id": "beneficiary_00e376d412738d97e6176e381c8d718c",
"last_name": "Lup",
"first_name": "Dom",
"country": "US",
"entity_type": "individual",
"name": "Dom Lup",
"account_number": "123456789",
"currency": "USD",
"aba": "021000021"
"fx_rate": 1,
"instructions": [
"name": "instructions",
"steps": [
"step1": "The funds will be transferred to the provided account details of the beneficiary ."
"ewallets": [
"ewallet_id": "ewallet_3d03be4b6ed60a217fb1faa7c01ae2ca",
"amount": 2,
"percent": 100
"metadata": {},
"description": "Refund from admin dashboard",
"created_at": 1658866805,
"payout_fees": null,
"expiration": null,
"paid_at": null,
"identifier_type": null,
"identifier_value": null,
"error": null,
"paid_amount": 0,
"statement_descriptor": null,
"gc_error_code": null