Set Your API Keys in Postman (Rapyd Sandbox Environment)

If you are testing in Postman, one of the first things you’ll need to do is input the access_key and secret_key into Postman to set your Rapyd Sandbox Environment. If you’ve downloaded our Postman collection and signed up in Client Portal, you can follow the steps below to set up your environment and make your first API call.

  1. In Postman, under your designated workspace, go to Environments > Globals > Rapyd Sandbox Environment.
  • Note: You can also use the eye symbol, or Environment quick look on the top right.

The Global variables should appear.

  1. In Client Portal, go to Developers > Show Credentials.

  2. Copy and paste in the rapyd_access_key and rapyd_secret_key in the corresponding fields from Client Portal to Postman. Click Save.


  1. Be sure to switch from your current environment to the Rapyd Sandbox Environment next to the Environment quick look on the top right.


You’re all set! Now you should be ready to start testing and make your API calls!

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amazing well done @Community_Team !
Thank you

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Adding a screenshot here on what it looks like to grab your Sandbox or Production Credentials in Client Portal.


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