Rapyd Wallet Details

Hi Rapyd team, I’m currently integrating wallet functionality and need to ensure I understand how to retrieve detailed information about a specific wallet. Could you clarify the exact API endpoint and parameters I should use to get the full details of a wallet, including its balance, associated accounts, and any linked payment methods? I’m following the guide, but I want to make sure I’m implementing this correctly.

To retrieve detailed information about a specific wallet, including its balance, associated accounts, and any linked payment methods, you should use the GET /v1/user/wallet/{wallet_id} endpoint. Replace {wallet_id} with the unique identifier of the wallet you want to query.

This endpoint will return comprehensive information about the wallet, including:

  • id: The wallet’s unique identifier.
  • balance: A breakdown of the available balance by currency.
  • accounts: Any bank accounts associated with the wallet.
  • payment_methods: Payment methods linked to the wallet.
  • Other relevant details such as transaction history, status, and more.

Ensure your request includes the necessary authentication headers and wallet ID. You can find more details and example responses in the documentation here.