Localhost websites cannot be used as complete_checkout_url

I am trying use a localhost website as a complete checkout url in my sanbox testing, however, I am getting a 403 error. See below

i’m still getting the error
error: null
statusCode: 403

403 Forbidden

403 Forbidden

For testing in the sandbox, you can use any live URL that you can find on the Internet. If localhost isn’t working for you, don’t waste any time on it. Use the URL for the last thing you bought online! :wink:


Thanks a lot.

But read your comment lately(time wasted)

This is not getting shown in the recommendations.
In my case, I get the error as jsonDecoderError
After wasting 2hrs on it, I finally found that I have commented the response status due to which I am not getting the response status code

Thanks @Anirudh, do you mean the search here in discourse?

I created a post just for this so hopefully it will show up as a top level post. Right now it is at #2 Local Host is Not Working for a URL Redirect